It’s one of the most common questions I see from homeschool families: “Where should I place my child?” When we switched to Memoria Press five years ago, it took me months to decide where to place our struggling learner! I’ve learned a lot since then and this yearly process is now far easier than it used to be.
Here are my top tips for placing a struggling learner with Memoria Press!
simply classical
Struggling Learners: Mild Needs Are Special Needs
If you’ve followed us for a while, you know we have multiple children with mild special needs. But the term mild needs can be really misleading. Many people think it means learning disabilities only, but my children don’t have any diagnosed learning disabilities!
So what does “mild needs” actually mean?
Read moreHow the Sodalitas Conference is Changing our Homeschool
Despite the beauty of this gathering, I always worry about being away from my family. But every year, my husband says that I have to go. He’s seen first-hand how it ministers to my soul and that, in turn, transforms our homeschool.
Read more{Wise Mamas}: How I Learned Mild Needs Count
I’m getting ready to spend next week with over 100 mamas who have dedicated themselves to homeschooling. And among them will be a small group that holds a very special place in my heart.
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